About Randy Hall

Written By Randy Hall  |  Leadership 


Randy Hall is the founder and principal of 4th Gear. He is passionate about developing amazing leaders and thriving, principled organizations. He believes that nothing will have greater impact on our economy, our communities, our lives and our kids’ lives.

For more than two decades Randy has worked for and with organizations to help them realize more of their potential. His most recent roles in the corporate world were Senior Vice President of Learning and Leadership Development at Bank of America and Global Director of Learning and Development at Pfizer. Prior to moving into leadership development, he spent several years in sales and led his own high performing teams.

Randy has broad experience in leadership development, organizational effectiveness, organizational learning and talent planning and understands how to use this experience to help any organization perform better and engage their people. He has been coaching and training leaders for years and is uniquely able to help them find their strengths and use them to accomplish virtually anything they are committed to. Randy is also an accomplished speaker and has delivered presentations to thousands of people across the country. He lives in Charlotte, North Carolina with his wife and three incredible kids.

We develop better leaders so they can build a better future. Contact Us to learn about leader development via our training, workshops and executive coaching.